
Sleepiness epidemic hits Australia

A new national sleep study involving the University of Adelaide reveals Australia is in the grip of a sleep deprivation epidemic that is dragging down the nation's productivity, risking safety and damaging mental health.


Sleep health program reduces firefighter disability and injury

Many firefighters suffer acute and chronic sleep deficiency and misalignment of their circadian rhythm (body clock) due to extended shifts and long work weeks. Extended duration shifts have been shown to increase the risk ...


Sleep disorders may influence heart disease risk factors

Sleep problems including sleeping too little or too long, may be linked to a variety of factors that may raise the risk for cardiovascular diseases, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement published ...


Sleep troubles, heart troubles?

(HealthDay)—Sleep disorders—including too little or too much sleep—may contribute to heart disease risk factors, the American Heart Association said in its first statement on the risks of sleep problems.

Sleep disorders

Researchers release global sleep apnoea study

The largest sleep study ever undertaken has found that the leading therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), does not reduce recurrent strokes and heart attacks in people with ...


Insomnia? Oversleeping? Both may increase your risk of stroke

There is growing evidence that sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are related to stroke risk and recovery from stroke, according to a recent literature review. The review is published in the August 3, 2016, online ...


Expert says sleep is essential on road trips

Road trips are a summer tradition for many families, but some are so focused on reaching their final destination that drivers tend to ignore their bodies' need for sleep. However, Baylor College of Medicine's Dr. Philip Alapat ...

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