
Sudden chest pain: What is angina pectoris?

That feeling of crushing pain in your chest can be a medical emergency, but it can also be angina pectoris, or "stable angina"—a symptom of coronary heart disease that can be managed with medication.


No increase in bleeding complications with rivaroxaban post-ACS

Patients with acute coronary syndrome who were treated with the blood-thinning drug rivaroxaban in addition to an antiplatelet medication (clopidogrel or ticagrelor) experienced no increase in bleeding complications compared ...


Evacetrapib fails to reduce major adverse cardiovascular events

Despite lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL), known as "bad" cholesterol, while markedly increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol, a large clinical trial to investigate the cholesterol ...


Lixisenatide doesn't affect cardiovascular risk in T2DM

(HealthDay)—The addition of lixisenatide to usual care does not impact the rate of major cardiovascular events or other serious adverse events among patients with type 2 diabetes and a recent acute coronary syndrome, according ...

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Unstable angina is a type of angina pectoris that is irregular. It is a type of acute coronary syndrome.

It can be difficult to distinguish from non–Q-wave myocardial infarction.

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