Medical research

An allergy drug showed promise for MS, but could they prove it?

What if an over-the-counter allergy medicine could help halt and even reverse multiple sclerosis? And if it did, could patients return to their full capacity? Those were some of the questions first posed in 2013 after a landmark ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Harnessing good fats to relieve multiple sclerosis symptoms

Basic nutrition teaches that fat, when consumed in large quantities, is harmful to human health. However, the components that make up fats are complex. Good, unsaturated fats, or lipids, can lower disease risk. In fact, in ...


A smart contact lens that diagnoses and treats glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common ocular disease in which the optic nerve malfunctions due to the increased intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by drainage canal blocking in the eye. This condition narrows the peripheral vision and can ...

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