
Potential predictor of glaucoma damage identified

Glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, most often is diagnosed during a routine eye exam. Over time, elevated pressure inside the eye damages the optic nerve, leading to vision loss. Unfortunately, there's no way ...

Medical research

Brain abnormalities seen in children with severe form of diabetes

(Medical Xpress) -- Children with a rare syndrome that includes a form of insulin-dependent diabetes have brain abnormalities that appear to set the stage for cognitive problems later in life, according to new research at ...


The hunt for viruses to cure blindness

A novel computational platform developed by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine identifies top-performing viral vectors that could deliver gene therapies to the retina with maximum efficiency ...


Faster, cheaper tests for myopia in sight

The world's most common vision problem myopia or short/near sightedness, which causes damage to the eye and even blindness, just got easier to assess.


Potential genetic markers of multiple sclerosis severity

In a bid to determine factors linked to the most debilitating forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have identified three so-called "complement system" genes that appear to play a role ...

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