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Dentistry news

Oncology & Cancer

Bacteria involved in gum disease linked to increased risk of head and neck cancer

More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in people's mouths have been linked to a collective 50% increased chance of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a new study shows. Some ...


Yes, you do need to clean your tongue. Here's how and why

Has your doctor asked you to stick out your tongue and say "aaah"? While the GP assesses your throat, they're also checking out your tongue, which can reveal a lot about your health.


Engineers' invention improves dental safety

UIC Distinguished Professor Alexander Yarin and a team of researchers at UIC invented a product that helped the dental industry and made it safer.


Altered blood markers detected in individuals with periodontitis

Individuals with periodontitis have altered concentrations of various proteins in their blood, according to a new study from Umeå University, Sweden. These findings pave the way for research into biomarkers for periodontitis ...


Oil pulling for oral health: To swish or not to swish?

After scrolling social media, you might be tempted to ditch your typical oral care regimen in favor of melted coconut oil, or other similar oils, for a practice known as oil pulling. A method of traditional Ayurvedic medicine ...


New aspects of gingivitis and the body's response

A team led by University of Washington researchers has, for the first time, identified and classified how different people respond to the accumulation of dental plaque, the sticky biofilm that gathers on teeth. Their work, ...


Advocacy for a digital oral health that leaves no one behind

The health, social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have already had a dramatic impact on the prevailing oral health care model and will continue to do so. The paper "Advocacy for a Digital Oral Health That ...


Pulling wisdom teeth can improve long-term taste function

Patients who had their wisdom teeth extracted had improved tasting abilities decades after having the surgery, a new Penn Medicine study published in the journal Chemical Senses found. The findings challenge the notion that ...


Better reporting of studies on artificial intelligence

An increasing number of studies on artificial intelligence (AI) are published in the dental and oral sciences but aspects of these studies suffer from a range of limitations. Standards towards reporting, like the recently ...


A link between childhood stress and early molars

Early in her career neuroscientist Allyson Mackey began thinking about molars. As a researcher who studies brain development, she wanted to know whether when these teeth arrived might indicate early maturation in children.


Tooth loss may affect ability to carry out everyday tasks

Older adults with more natural teeth are better able to perform everyday tasks such as cooking a meal, making a telephone call or going shopping, according to researchers from UCL and the Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

Medical research

A gentler strategy for avoiding childhood dental decay

The combination of a carb-heavy diet and poor oral hygiene can leave children with early childhood caries (ECC), a severe form of dental decay that can have a lasting impact on their oral and overall health.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sources of SARS-CoV-2 and other microorganisms in dental aerosols

COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic in March 2020 and given an incomplete understanding of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at that time, the American Dental Association recommended that dental offices refrain from providing ...