
The Medical Minute: Stress tests - echo vs. nuclear

Your health care provider has ordered a stress test for your heart. No problem, you think; you’ve seen people walk on treadmills before. In fact, you used the one in your basement a few times, a couple of years ago. ...


EU project aims to improve first response in major emergencies

Major emergencies such as terrorist attacks and natural disasters have become more complex and larger in scale, challenging the ability of first responders to deal with the overwhelming numbers of casualties. As they battle ...


Pfizer sees Covid-19 drug sales topping $50 bn in 2022

Pfizer forecast more than $50 billion in 2022 sales for its Covid-19 vaccine and therapeutic on Tuesday as the pharmaceutical giant reported a more than doubling of annual profits on strong sales of its innoculation.


The Forsyth Institute expands key human microbiome database

A team of researchers from The Forsyth Institute, a global leader in oral health research, today announced they have added over 80 species to generate the expanded Human Oral Microbiome Database (eHOMD), an online index of ...


Young blood—magic or medicine?

Ben Franklin famously wrote: "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes". What he didn't mention, despite being 83 years old, was a third, almost inevitable eventuality: ageing.


Male menopause: The lowdown on 'low T'

Is there such a thing as male menopause? In women, menopause is characterized by a cessation of fertility and a sharp drop in certain hormone levels at midlife. In that sense, men don't go through their own version of menopause. ...


China hospital disposes of live baby

Health authorities in south China said Friday they were investigating a hospital medical team for mistakenly diagnosing a stillbirth and disposing of a baby that was alive.

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