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HIV & AIDS news


HIV doctors urge US to reverse 'catastrophic' funding cuts

Hundreds of HIV doctors and researchers have called on the Trump administration to reverse its sweeping aid funding cuts, saying they are "doing catastrophic harm" to the global fight against AIDS.


Researchers develop method to identify dormant cells that carry HIV

Mount Sinai researchers have developed a method to uncover the hidden immune cells that harbor the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a discovery that brings medical experts one step closer to a cure for the infection affecting ...


Scientists discover the function of a mysterious HIV component

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry have discovered the mechanism behind an important step in the life cycle of HIV. Working together with teams at Heidelberg and Yale Universities, they found that the ...


HIV protein switch may help virus squeeze into host cell nucleus

Supercomputer simulations have revealed how changes in the shape of the HIV-1 capsid protein may help the virus squeeze its inner core into the host cell's nuclear membrane. The findings, by a University of Pittsburgh team ...