Autism spectrum disorders

Inflammation and autism—an important piece of the puzzle

Autism spectrum disorder has neither a distinct pathogenesis nor pharmaceutical treatment, yet evidence continues to mount demonstrating immune dysfunction and inflammation in specific brain regions of children diagnosed ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

A new treatment for gout lowers the urinary acid level in the body

Gout is an inflammatory disease that can cause very painful attacks. The illness is also called podagral, or colloquially "The Captain's syndrome". It primarily affects men, particularly over 40 years of age. Symptoms of ...


Common diabetes drug reverses inflammation in the liver

The diabetes drug metformin—derived from a lilac plant that's been used medicinally for more than a thousand years—has been prescribed to hundreds of millions of people worldwide as the frontline treatment for type 2 ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Baldness caused by alopecia could soon be treatable

Baldness caused by alopecia areata could soon be treated safely and effectively, after an international University of Melbourne-led trial found two new drugs to be safe and effective.

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