Acta Paediatrica


School-grown vegetables increase salad selection

If kids grow vegetables, they're more likely to eat them. A new Cornell study published in Acta Paediatrica shows that when garden grown vegetables were slipped into school salads, kids were over four times as likely to take ...


Extra vitamin D benefits infants

Infants whose mothers take vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and infancy are less likely to get respiratory infections, according to research from the University of Auckland.


Vaccination and the gentle art of persuasion

Controversy about the risks of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines has been rumbling in the United States for years—and now it's Israel's turn. After finding traces of the polio virus in sewage, Israel's Ministry of Health ...


Women who use IVF less likely to breastfeed

Women in Australia who conceive using assisted reproductive technology, such as IVF – and who have a caesarean birth before going in to labour – are less likely to breastfeed. This is despite the majority of pregnant ...


Child development varies and is hard to predict, study finds

On average, children take the first steps on their own at the age of 12 months. Many parents perceive this event as a decisive turning point. However, the timing is really of no consequence. Children who start walking early ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

While in womb, babies begin learning language from their mothers

Babies only hours old are able to differentiate between sounds from their native language and a foreign language, scientists have discovered. The study indicates that babies begin absorbing language while still in the womb, ...

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