Advanced Healthcare Materials

Biomedical technology

Researchers develop new method to promote bone growth

DNA can help to stimulate bone healing in a localized and targeted manner, for example after a complicated fracture or after severe tissue loss following surgery. This has been demonstrated by researchers at Martin Luther ...


Tiny bots that can deep clean teeth

Nano-sized robots manipulated using a magnetic field can help kill bacteria deep inside dentinal tubules and boost the success of root canal treatments, a new study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) ...


Engineers grow 3D bioprinted blood vessel

Vascular diseases such as aneurysms, peripheral artery disease and clots inside blood vessels account for 31% of global deaths. Despite this clinical burden, cardiovascular drug advancements have slowed over the past 20 years. ...

Biomedical technology

Exploring silk's full potential

From ski slopes to Girl Scouts, Rosalyn Abbott's classroom of choice has evolved over the years, but her love for teaching and discovery remains a steady constant. On any given day, she can be found integrating biomaterials, ...

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