Advanced Healthcare Materials


Tiny patch could give diabetics painless glucose monitoring

University of Waterloo researchers are developing a new patch that would offer diabetics an affordable, accurate, pain-free, round-the-clock alternative to traditional tests that require pricking a finger for a blood sample ...

Oncology & Cancer

Advancing our view at the subcellular level

In the field of scientific research, details matter. The minutia of processes and structures are explained with specificity, data points are reported to the most precise decimal and seeing is believing.

Oncology & Cancer

Breaking down cancer's defenses with bacteria

Bacteria generally have a bad reputation, as people first think of certain strains that can cause serious illnesses like pneumonia or meningitis. However, there are many helpful bacteria, known as probiotics, that assist ...

Biomedical technology

New biosealant can stabilize cartilage, promote healing after injury

A new biosealant therapy may help to stabilize injuries that cause cartilage to break down, paving the way for a future fix or—even better—begin working right away with new cells to enhance healing, according to a new ...

Biomedical technology

Oxygen-releasing bioink for 3-D bioprinting

Engineering new tissues can be used to alleviate shortages of organs in transplantation, as well as to develop physiological models for drug discovery applications. One of the emerging approaches to building tissues is through ...

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