American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics publishes papers covering a range of topics in applied economics, with a focus on empirical microeconomic issues. In particular, we welcome papers on labor economics, development microeconomics, health, education, demography, empirical corporate finance, empirical studies of trade, and empirical behavioral economics.

American Economic Association

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How a health care plan quickly lowered infant mortality

Few problems in developing countries are as gut-wrenching as high infant mortality—and yet it is a problem that has solutions. A policy change in Thailand's health care system has quickly led to significantly lower infant ...


Opioid addiction starts at the ER, according to studies

Legitimate prescriptions of opioids as painkillers are a contributing factor in long-term addiction to these substances. This is what Sarah Eichmeyer of Bocconi's Department of Economics and Jonathan Zhang of McMaster University ...