American Journal of Epidemiology


Premature baby girls shorter as adults

Baby girls born very premature could be almost three times more likely to grow into very short adults than female babies born at term, according to a new international study.


Optimism may reduce risk of dying prematurely among women

Having an optimistic outlook on life—a general expectation that good things will happen—may help people live longer, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study found that women ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

9/11 caused mental illness far beyond US borders

Acts of terrorism have a much wider psychological impact than typically assumed, reaching across borders and spreading fear among populations thousands of miles removed from the actual targets.


Season of conception may affect fetal brain growth

(HealthDay)—Children conceived during the winter are more likely to have learning disabilities, and a mother's exposure to sunlight may play a role, a new study suggests.


PMS as an early marker for future high blood pressure risk

In the first prospective study to consider premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as a possible sentinel for future risk of hypertension, epidemiologist Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson and colleagues in the School of Public Health and Health ...

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