American Journal of Psychiatry

Psychology & Psychiatry

No, trauma is not inherited

In the fall of 2015, Rachel Yehuda and her team at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York published results of a study looking at the genes of 32 Jewish women and men. All were Holocaust survivors who either ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychotic symptoms in children may have a genetic cause

A 6-year-old boy began hearing voices coming from the walls and the school intercom telling him to hurt himself and others. He saw ghosts, aliens in trees, and colored footprints. Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich, MD, a psychiatrist ...

Attention deficit disorders

Brain scans reveal common patterns can predict variations in ADHD

Distinct brain patterns can help explain variations in the way children present with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), paving a course towards improved treatment and support for the common neurodevelopmental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicidal thoughts rapidly reduced with ketamine, finds study

Ketamine was significantly more effective than a commonly used sedative in reducing suicidal thoughts in depressed patients, according to researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC). They also found that ketamine's ...

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