Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Annals of Behavioral Medicine aims to foster the exchange of knowledge derived from the disciplines involved in the field of behavioral medicine, and the integration of biological, psychosocial, and behavioral factors and principles as they relate to such areas as health promotion, disease prevention, risk factor modification, disease progression, adjustment and adaptation to physical disorders, and rehabilitation. To achieve these goals, much of the journal is devoted to the publication of original empirical articles including reports of randomized controlled trials, observational studies, or other basic and clinical investigations. Integrative reviews of the evidence for the application of behavioral interventions in health care will also be provided. These reviews apply the standards of evidence-based medicine and help bridge the gap between basic science and clinical practice in behavioral medicine.

Impact factor
4.388 (2007)

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Reactions to everyday stressors predict future health

(Medical Xpress)—Contrary to popular perception, stressors don't cause health problems—it's people's reactions to the stressors that determine whether they will suffer health consequences, according to researchers at ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Examining the link between blood pressure and emotions

Hypertension is a disease. However, in the majority of cases, there is no clear medical explanation, referred to as "essential hypertension". Could psychological factors play a role? In this context, Konstanz biological health ...


Life after cigarettes

Life without cigarettes is not all doom and gloom. In fact, successful quitters are more satisfied with their lives and feel healthier, both one year and three years afterwards, than those who continue to smoke. That's according ...

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