Annals of Surgery

The Annals of Surgery is a monthly review journal of surgical science and practice. It was started in 1885.

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Impact factor
6.329 ()

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Beyond weight loss: Bariatric surgery may reduce cancer risk

When you think about obesity, you may not connect it to cancer. However, researchers long have suspected a link between certain cancers and weight. Among those are endometrial, ovarian, colon, liver, pancreatic and postmenopausal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Malpractice trends involving active surveillance across cancers

Active surveillance is an established practice for managing certain low-risk cancers that are unlikely to cause harm. It is an increasingly common and effective way to manage certain early-stage cancers, including those in ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Nerve decompression shows promise for diabetic neuropathy patients

Surgical nerve decompression, used to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica, could play a role in relieving the pain of diabetic neuropathy patients, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Trauma survivor support reduces return trips to hospital

If hospitals consistently and comprehensively support trauma survivors with mental health needs, including after they're discharged, the survivors are less likely to find themselves back in the hospital in crisis, a new study ...


Smart phone application to increase safety in liver surgery

Surgical removal of parts of the liver remains the only curative approach for patients with liver-specific cancer. An international team led by Patrick Starlinger from MedUni Vienna has developed a score that provides an ...


Finding the balance: Opioids and pain control after surgery

In a recent Mayo Clinic study published in the Annals of Surgery, researchers found that most patients prescribed fewer opioids after surgery were able to maintain satisfactory comfort levels without requiring more prescription ...

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