BMC Psychology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology's meta-analysis problem

Psychology has a meta-analysis problem. And that's contributing to its reproducibility problem. Meta-analyses are wallpapering over many research weaknesses, instead of being used to systematically pinpoint them.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New knowledge about parental break-up and conflicts

Do maternal couple relationships change throughout the child-rearing years and can the likelihood of parental break-up be predicted? A new doctoral study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has investigated these ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Men forget most: Gender differences in memory

If your husband is absent-minded, forgets your wedding anniversary or the name of your new neighbor, don't worry. You are not the only one with a forgetful man in the house. Even researchers were surprised by how much men ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women are significantly better at multitasking than men

(Medical Xpress)—Women are better than men at carrying out multiple tasks according to new research from a team of psychologists including researchers from the University of Hertfordshire.

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