BMJ Case Reports

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Teenager infected with rat-bite fever from her pet rodent

A 17-year-old woman was infected with the rare, but treatable rat-bite fever, that developed from pet rodents that lived in her bedroom, report the doctors who treated her in the online journal BMJ Case Reports.


Doctors issue warning over cough medicines that contain codeine

An article in the online journal BMJ Case Reports describes the first published case of confusional state in a healthy 14-year-old girl attributed to excessive consumption of over the counter cough medicine that contained ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Head lice infestation could cause iron deficiency anemia

(HealthDay)—Head lice infestation could cause iron deficiency anemia in the absence of any other cause, according to a case report published online Nov. 5 in BMJ Case Reports.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Case of bobby pin piercing kidney reported in 4-year-old

(HealthDay)—A swallowed bobby pin can be cause for concern, capable of piercing through the kidney, according to a case report published online Nov. 5 in BMJ Case Reports.


Case report highlights dangers of natural remedies

(HealthDay)—A case of accidental overdose of an Atropa belladonna preparation highlights the dangers of the use of herbal remedies, according to a case report published online Nov. 5 in BMJ Case Reports.

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