Cancer Cell

Oncology & Cancer

Blood sample new way of detecting cancer

A new RNA test of blood platelets can be used to detect, classify and pinpoint the location of cancer by analysing a sample equivalent to one drop of blood. Using this new method for blood-based RNA tests of blood platelets, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Biologists unravel drug-resistance mechanism in tumor cells

About half of all tumors are missing a gene called p53, which helps healthy cells prevent genetic mutations. Many of these tumors develop resistance to chemotherapy drugs that kill cells by damaging their DNA.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer-driving signals cause high-risk neuroblastoma

Researchers have discovered details of the abnormal molecular signals and biological events that drive a high-risk form of the childhood cancer neuroblastoma. They aim to use these findings to develop more effective targeted ...

Oncology & Cancer

Malaria vaccine provides hope for a general cure for cancer

The hunt for a vaccine against malaria in pregnant women has provided an unexpected side benefit for Danish researchers, namely what appears to be an effective weapon against cancer. The scientists behind the vaccine aim ...

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