Cancer Cell


New subtypes identified in difficult-to-treat ovarian cancer

Every year, approximately 400 women die of ovarian cancer in Finland, while the corresponding figure for Europe overall is more than 40,000. Ovarian cancer is a genetically very heterogeneous disease, which makes it exceptionally ...

Oncology & Cancer

New therapy helps immune system eradicate brain tumors

Researchers from Uppsala University have developed a method that helps immune cells exit from blood vessels into a tumor to kill cancer cells. The goal is to improve treatment of aggressive brain tumors. The study has been ...

Oncology & Cancer

New pancreatic cancer research could boost survival rates

A unique treatment combining radiation and immunotherapy can eradicate pancreatic tumors while stopping the cancer from spreading, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center.

Medical research

New approach to slowing aggressive leukemia

A team of Harvard and Sloan Kettering scientists has developed compounds that can target and degrade proteins associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and nearly doubled the life expectancy of mice with cancer in laboratory ...

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