Cancer Cell

Cancer Cell is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Cell Press. It focuses on all aspects of cancer research at the cellular-level. The journal was established in February 2002, and is edited by Li-Kuo Su.

Cell Press
United States
Impact factor
25.288 (2009)

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Oncology & Cancer

New research finds common denominator linking all cancers

All cancers fall into just two categories, according to new research from scientists at Sinai Health, in findings that could provide a new strategy for treating the most aggressive and untreatable forms of the disease.

Oncology & Cancer

Drug turns cancer gene into 'eat me' flag for immune system

Tumor cells are notoriously good at evading the human immune system; they put up physical walls, wear disguises and handcuff the immune system with molecular tricks. Now, UC San Francisco researchers have developed a drug ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer hijacks the microbiome to glut itself on glucose

Cancer needs energy to drive its out-of-control growth. It gets energy in the form of glucose, in fact consuming so much glucose that one method for imaging cancer simply looks for areas of extreme glucose consumption—where ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researcher develops effective fasting tool against cancer

Fasting is a tool for effective cancer treatment. A new study shows that the right diet in combination with chemotheraphy not only protect the body's immune system, it also turns it against cancer cells.

Medical research

How the nervous system controls tumor growth

(Medical Xpress)—From the time it first comes online during development the nervous system begins to exact precise control over many biologic functions. In some cases, too much control. When it does, a little nerve-squelching ...

Oncology & Cancer

Major breakthrough in the treatment of leukemia

A molecular process involved in the action of anti-leukemia drugs has been discovered at Université de Montréal's Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC). While calling into question a central tenet of oncology, ...

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