Cell Metabolism

Oncology & Cancer

Study directly links high insulin levels to pancreatic cancer

A new study from researchers at the University of British Columbia's Faculty of Medicine reveals a direct link between high insulin levels, common among patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, and pancreatic cancer.


Large-scale study reveals new genetic details of diabetes

In experiments of unprecedented scale, investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine and the National Institutes of Health have revealed new aspects of the complex genetics behind type 2 diabetes. Through these discoveries, and ...

Endocrinology & Metabolism

Study finds link between seasons and eating habits

The number of hours of light exposure we experience affects how we eat and how we burn energy. This may help us understand the link between seasons and metabolism.


Immune cells identified as 'metabolic factories' in the gut

A research team from MedUni Vienna has now demonstrated for the first time the central role of macrophages in the renewal of intestinal cells, which sheds light on the complex interplay between immune cells and tissue regeneration. ...

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