Clinical Chemistry

Clinical Chemistry, issued monthly, is published in print and electronically by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. The journal welcomes contributions, either experimental or theoretical, in the field of laboratory medicine. It is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today’s clinical laboratory. In addition to being the most cited journal in the field, Clinical Chemistry has the highest Impact Factor among journals of clinical chemistry, clinical (or anatomic) pathology, analytical chemistry, and the subspecialties, such as transfusion medicine and clinical microbiology.

American Association for Clinical Chemistry

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Recurrent miscarriage linked to faulty sperm

The early-stage study, from scientists at Imperial College London, investigated the sperm quality of 50 men whose partners had suffered three or more consecutive miscarriages.


The Achilles' heel of HIV

Researchers at the University of Bonn have discovered how cells in the body can detect the genetic material of so-called retroviruses. The pathogen of the immunodeficiency disease AIDS, the HI-1 virus, also belongs to this ...

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