Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology


Blood sodium levels may affect cognition in older adults

A new study has found that lower level of sodium in the blood—known as hyponatremia—is linked with declines in cognitive function with advancing age. The results, which are described in an upcoming issue of the Clinical ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Increase in employment among patients starting dialysis

(HealthDay)—The probability of employment has increased in recent years among patients initiating dialysis but is still low, according to a study published online Jan. 18 in the Clinical Journal of the American Society ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Survival rates are improving for individuals with kidney failure

Individuals with kidney failure have a much higher risk of dying prematurely than people in the general population, but a new analysis indicates that this excess risk is falling. The findings, which come from a study appearing ...

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