Clinical Psychological Science

Psychology & Psychiatry

Memory strategy may help depressed people remember the good times

New research highlights a memory strategy that may help people who suffer from depression in recalling positive day-to-day experiences. The study is published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some soldiers develop PTSD while others don't

Pre-war vulnerability is just as important as combat-related trauma in predicting whether veterans' symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will be long-lasting, according to new research published in Clinical Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research explores markers of depression from childhood to adulthood

Although several studies have followed the course of depression throughout the lifespan, the characteristics of depression at different developmental stages haven't been clearly identified. New research published in Clinical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Wandering minds associated with aging cells

Scientific studies have suggested that a wandering mind indicates unhappiness, whereas a mind that is present in the moment indicates well-being. Now, a preliminary UCSF study suggests a possible link between mind wandering ...

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