Current Biology

Current Biology is a scientific journal that covers all areas of biology, especially molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, neurobiology, ecology and evolutionary biology. The journal is published twice a month and includes peer-reviewed research articles, various types of review articles, as well as an editorial magazine section. Current Biology was founded in 1991 by the Current Science group, acquired by Elsevier in 1998 and has since 2001 been part of Cell Press, a subdivision of Elsevier.

Cell Press
United States
Impact factor
10.777 (2008)

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'What was that?' How brains convert sounds to actions

You hear a phone ring or a dog bark. Is it yours or someone else's? You hear footsteps in the night—is it your child, or an intruder? Friend or foe? The decision you make will determine what action you take next. Researchers ...


Music and genomes: Beethoven's genes put to the test

To what extent are exceptional human achievements influenced by genetic factors? This question, dating back to the early days of human genetics, seems to be easier to address today as modern molecular methods make it possible ...

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