Current Biology


Research shows how stress activates neurons that disrupt sleep

New research reveals that neurons in the preoptic hypothalamus—the region of the brain that regulates sleep and body temperature—are rhythmically activated during non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM). Stress activates ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep may be compromised with a bed partner

If you're having trouble sleeping, perhaps contact with a bedmate is causing the problem, say University of Michigan researchers.


Neuroscientists demonstrate flexibility of innate behavior

Some behaviors that are crucial to survival appear to be hard-wired, meaning that they occur without previous experience. For example, many prey organisms naturally know how to escape to safety from perceived threats. However, ...


Neuroscientists find more naturalistic ways to study vision

For years, neuroscience experiments have depended on carefully controlled conditions. Mice run in place on tiny treadmills, rather than freely scurrying. Or they're meticulously trained to do easy-to-measure tasks that don't ...

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