

Rats trade initial rewards for long-term learning opportunities

Scientists have provided evidence for the cognitive control of learning in rats, showing they can estimate the long-term value of learning and adapt their decision-making strategy to take advantage of learning opportunities.


New open-source app for precise brain mapping

The hippocampus is a small, complex, folded brain structure that holds clues to several brain disorders. It is also one of the most difficult-to-map regions of the brain. After developing a successful technique to digitally ...


Most detailed map of brain's memory hub finds connectivity puzzle

The most detailed map ever made of the communication links between the hippocampus—the brain's memory control center—and the rest of the brain has been created by Australian scientists. And it may change how we think ...


Neuroscientists find more naturalistic ways to study vision

For years, neuroscience experiments have depended on carefully controlled conditions. Mice run in place on tiny treadmills, rather than freely scurrying. Or they're meticulously trained to do easy-to-measure tasks that don't ...

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