Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hormone level predicts how the brain processes social information

The hormone oxytocin is made at different levels in different people and it plays a role in regulating social behavior. A new University of Virginia study involving brain imaging finds that people with naturally higher levels ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness helps undergraduates stay on track, study shows

Few situations present as much distraction and time pressure as the college experience. In this environment, attention can be elusive and difficult to sustain even when it is attained. This lack of concentration interferes ...


Researchers measure how our brain reacts to Google Glass

"Smart" eyewear—that can integrate augmented reality with your own, feed you live information about your surroundings and even be used in the operating room—is no longer the stuff of science fiction.


How kids' brains respond to a late night up

Any parent can tell you about the consequences of their child not getting enough sleep. But there is far less known about the details of how sleep deprivation affects children's brains and what this means for early brain ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exercise spawns creative thinking

People who exercise regularly are better at creative thinking. This is the outcome of research by Leiden cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colato. She published an article on this subject in the scientific magazine Frontiers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Aggressive music related to anxiety in men

Brain imaging reveals how neural responses to different types of music really affect the emotion regulation of persons. The study concludes that men who process negative feelings with music react negatively to aggressive ...

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