Frontiers in Psychology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why eating disorders in athletes can often go unnoticed

Researchers at the College of Physical Education and Sport Palestra, Czechia, have investigated ways to detect eating disorders in athletes. In their paper, "A pilot study of a modification EAT-26 questionnaire for screening ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fittest pupils performed best in cognitive tasks, study showed

Sports scientists at Nottingham Trent University found that on average the fittest youngsters aged 12–13 showed better attention, perception, memory and higher-level decision making and complex thinking when challenged ...


How to relieve a stress headache

You had a rough day at work and got stuck in traffic on the way home, and suddenly your head starts pounding.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why are we so scared of clowns? Here's what we've discovered

Are you scared of clowns? You are not alone. Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, is a widely acknowledged phenomenon. Studies indicate this fear is present among both adults and children in many different cultures. Yet it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five ways singing helps humanity

We all know that singing is fun—just think back to the last time you belted out a rock tune on a family road trip, or sang along with friends, and strangers, at the pub or a music festival.

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