Integrative Biology

Royal Society of Chemistry
United Kingdom

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Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New malaria analysis method reveals disease severity in minutes

Left untreated, malaria can progress from being mild to severe—and potentially fatal—in 24 hours. So researchers at the University of British Columbia developed a method to quickly and sensitively assess the progression ...

Oncology & Cancer

Does a cancer cell's shape hint at its danger?

Doctors can sometimes use a cancer cell's genetics to predict how it will act - how dangerous it is and thus what treatments should be used against it. Now a paper published in the journal Integrative Biology shows that a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Watching tumors burst through a blood vessel

Cancer cells metastasize in several stages—first by invading surrounding tissue, then by infiltrating and spreading via the circulatory system. Some circulating cells work their way out of the vascular network, eventually ...

Oncology & Cancer

Physics tool helps track cancer cell diversity

Cancer cells are a wily adversary. One reason the disease outfoxes many potential treatments is because of the diversity of the cancer cell population. Researchers have found this population difficult to characterize and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Risk of metastatic cancer increases in those who have diabetes

As if people living with diabetes didn't have enough health concerns, here's another: increased risk of metastatic cancer. New Cornell University research points to a possible explanation for this health double whammy.

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