International Journal of Obesity

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity: Tiny fat-burning molecule might help fight giant problem

A small molecule could provide valuable help in combating the global epidemic of obesity. When it was fed to obese mice, the animals' metabolism sped up and their excess weight was shed. It is doing so by recruiting the help ...

Overweight & Obesity

Built environments don't play expected role in weight gain

People don't gain or lose weight because they live near a fast-food restaurant or supermarket, according to a new study led by the University of Washington. And, living in a more "walkable," dense neighborhood likely only ...

Overweight & Obesity

Does weight loss reduce risk of early mortality?

The current recommendations from major health organizations stipulate that if an individual has a BMI in the obese range (>30 kg/m2), they should be counseled to lose at least 5-10% of their body weight. This advice appears ...

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