Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes


HIV answers raise new ethical questions

The Food and Drug Administration's approval last year of the drug Truvada for prevention of HIV infection was a milestone in the fight against HIV/AIDS, but experts are cautioning that it is only the beginning of new ethical ...


Study finds a quarter of adults with HIV were abused as children

One in four HIV patients was found to have been sexually abused as a child, according to a two-year Duke University study of more than 600 HIV patients. Traumatic childhood experiences were also linked to worse health outcomes ...


Predicting survival among those aging with HIV infection

(Medical Xpress)—A new collaborative study led by Yale, the VA Healthcare System, and the North American Cohort Collaboration supports the accuracy of an index used for predicting mortality as patients with HIV age. The ...


With advances in HIV care, survivors face other disease risks

As effective treatments for HIV become more widely available in low- and middle-income countries, there's an urgent need to assess and manage health risks in the growing number of people living with HIV. An update on non-communicable ...


HPV vaccine may benefit HIV-infected women, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—Women with HIV may benefit from a vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), despite having already been exposed to HPV, a study finds. Although many may have been exposed to less serious forms of HPV, more ...

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