Journal of Affective Disorders

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen programs need to focus on wellbeing, not just academics

The authors of new research say supporting children and young people's mental health is as important as supporting their academic progress, and that particular attention should be paid to the fact that some young people have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI-based tool detects bipolar disorder at earlier stages

Many people with early-stage or first-episode bipolar disorder have cognitive deficits, such as issues with visual processing and spatial memory, but those deficits are often so subtle that the disorder can go undiagnosed ...

Medical research

Research busts mental health coping myth

People with extreme psychological distress have exceeded the limits of their own resources, and need support from others to cope, according to new research led by USC Australia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cannabis reduces OCD symptoms by half in the short-term

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, report that the severity of their symptoms was reduced by about half within four hours of smoking cannabis, according to a Washington State University study.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Physical diseases can negatively affect depression

Patients with a first-time depression diagnosis have an increased risk of the disease worsening and requiring hospitalization, if they have previously been treated for a physical disease at a hospital. This is shown by research ...

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