Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology


Children allergic to cow's milk smaller and lighter

Children who are allergic to cow's milk are smaller and weigh less than peers who have allergies to peanuts or tree nuts, and these findings persist into early adolescence. The results from the longitudinal study—believed ...


Atopic eczema linked to increase fracture risk in adults

Involving the health records of three million adults in the UK, the study, led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, is the largest to date examining the relationship between atopic eczema and fractures, and ...


Birth weight linked to childhood allergies

The more a baby weighs at birth relative to its gestational age the greater the risk of childhood food allergies and eczema, according to South Australian researchers.


New peanut allergy treatment shows effectiveness and safety

People allergic to peanuts may have a new way to protect themselves from severe allergic reactions to accidental peanut exposure. It's called sublingual immunotherapy—or SLIT—and it involves putting a miniscule amount ...

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