Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't trust TikTok for trustworthy info on autism

TikTok may be great for watching funny cat videos and learning make-up hacks, but new research suggests this platform should not be trusted when it comes to information on autism.

Autism spectrum disorders

Can we trust autism information on TikTok? Not always, says study

While social media can be a great resource for connecting with others, it can also quickly and easily spread misleading or inaccurate information in mass. Social media platforms, especially the popular TikTok app, have allowed ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?

Females are often underdiagnosed with being on the autism spectrum because they often mask their symptoms more successfully than males. The key to understanding why may be in a simple eye exam.

Autism spectrum disorders

Young girls more difficult to diagnose with autism, say researchers

Girls with autism tend to be diagnosed later than boys, largely because they can present with different characteristics than those classically related to autism. This means that they may not receive the supports they need.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress levels sky high for families of neurodiverse kids

New Curtin University-led research has found caregivers of neurodivergent children are more likely to experience clinically significant levels of stress, poor mental health, financial hardship, and negative relationships.

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