Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders

Research offers new understanding of autism

Research by The University of Queensland may provide a better understanding of the social functioning difficulties of people with autism.

Attention deficit disorders

New study: Children with autism may be over-diagnosed with ADHD

A well-established screening tool used to assess children for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be less accurate when a child has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Pediatric researchers report that children ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can telehealth fill gap in autism services?

Parents struggling to find and afford therapy for their child with autism may eventually be able to provide that therapy themselves with the help of telehealth training.

Autism spectrum disorders

Raising a child with autism

Humans are resilient, even facing the toughest of life's challenges. How individuals and families deal with demanding and emotionally charged circumstances plays a large role in how they view and face the world and the possible ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism diagnosis taking too long, experts say

Medical experts in Newcastle, UK, say that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are still being diagnosed later than they should be, meaning they are not getting access to specialist services early enough.

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