Journal of Biological Chemistry


Low levels of a simple sugar: A new biomarker for severe MS?

Multiple sclerosis, or MS for short, manifests itself slightly differently in each person—which is why some call it "the disease of a thousand faces." Arguably the worst manifestation of MS is its chronic progressive form. ...


Supertrafficking ion channel found to be arrhythmia culprit

The potassium channel KCNQ1 plays a critical role in the cardiac action potential—the electrical activity underlying heart muscle contraction. Inherited mutations resulting in loss of channel function or gain of function ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cholesterol starvation kills lymphoma cells

Scientists at Northwestern Medicine have developed a novel therapy to trick cancer cells into gobbling up what they think is their favorite food—cholesterol—which actually triggers their destruction. What appears to them ...

Medical research

Large transporter protein linked to schizophrenia

Scientists have suspected mutations in a cellular cholesterol transport protein are associated with psychiatric disorders, but have found it difficult to prove this and to pinpoint how it happens. Now, Kazumitsu Ueda of Kyoto ...

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