Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Attention deficit disorders

The rules of the game for children with ADHD

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often display behaviours that are inappropriate for the situation in which they are in. They might move around in the classroom during a lesson, or talk non-stop ...

Attention deficit disorders

Computerized test may help improve ADHD diagnoses

The prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses in children and young people has increased, but diagnostic practice among clinicians remains variable, with significant diagnostic delays and reliance ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term

Incorporating omega-3, vitamins and mineral supplements into the diets of children with extreme aggression can reduce this problem behavior in the short term, especially its more impulsive, emotional form, according to University ...

Attention deficit disorders

Study estimates ADHD symptom persistence into adulthood

Sixty percent of children with ADHD in a recent study demonstrated persistence of symptoms into their mid-20's, and 41 percent had both symptoms and impairment as young adults.

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