Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Overweight & Obesity

Research sheds new light on whether we are all getting fatter

A study of trends in Body Mass Index (BMI) since 1992 for England has found that whilst BMI is rising across both sexes and within all social groups, there have been larger increases in those who already have the highest ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Refugee women at higher risk of preterm birth, study finds

Refugee women who come to Canada have greater risk of giving birth prematurely than non-refugee immigrants, a study by a St. Michael's Hospital researcher has found. Those risks are fueled by the fact that the preterm birth ...


No amount of alcohol safe during pregnancy, doctors say

(HealthDay)—While some studies have hinted that a little alcohol might be harmless during pregnancy, a leading U.S. pediatricians' group has issued a new warning that no amount of drinking is safe while pregnant.


Stress markers in the unemployed linked to poor health

Research from the ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies at UCL suggests direct biological effects of stress during unemployment may help explain the increased mortality and morbidity among jobseekers. The study ...


Father's ethnic background influences birthweight, study finds

A father's ethnic background can influence a child's birthweight, a new study has found. Previous research by Dr. Joel Ray of St. Michael's Hospital has shown that a mother's ethnic background can influence birthweights, ...

Overweight & Obesity

Long-term childhood poverty contributes to young adult obesity rates

A new study from the University of Houston Department of Health and Human Performance (HHP) finds childhood poverty reaches into the lives of white, Hispanic and African-American young adult women, contributing to their propensity ...

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