Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology's diversity problem

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Developmental psychology: Friendship wins out over fairness

When children decide to share, the giver's relationships with the pool of recipients determine who gets how much. They will give more to a wealthy friend than to a needy stranger - at least in cases where wealth is measured ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Practice makes perfect: Switching between languages pays off

It's estimated that half of the world's population speaks two or more languages. But are there hidden benefits to being bilingual? Research from Concordia reveals a new perk visible in the problem-solving skills of toddlers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anti-fat attitudes shaped early in life

New findings from New Zealand's University of Otago suggest older toddlers—those aged around 32 months old—are picking up on the anti-fat attitudes of their mothers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Punishing kids for lying just doesn't work

If you want your child to tell the truth, it's best not to threaten to punish them if they lie. That's what researchers discovered through a simple experiment involving 372 children between the ages of 4 and 8.

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