Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Psychology & Psychiatry

Phone calls create stronger bonds than text-based communications

After months of social distancing mandates, people are leaning heavily on technology for a sense of social connection. But new research from The University of Texas at Austin suggests people too often opt to send email or ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

No benefit in growth mindset theory, study says

A motivational approach to learning used widely in schools to encourage academic success does not benefit pupils, Edinburgh research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Examining how people's emotions are influenced by others

In a new study, Stanford psychologists examined why some people respond differently to an upsetting situation and learned that people's motivations play an important role in how they react.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Empathy often avoided because of mental effort

Even when feeling empathy for others isn't financially costly or emotionally draining, people will still avoid it because they think empathy requires too much mental effort, according to new research published by the American ...

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