Journal of Medical Internet Research


Online ads help pregnant smokers quit

Online ads encouraging pregnant smokers to take up stop-smoking support could be more effective at reaching women than advice delivered in a clinical setting - according to new research involving the University of East Anglia.

Medical research

Robots helped patients' with drug and exercise routines

A pilot randomised controlled trial using robots to help people at home with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease has found that the robots helped patients take their medication, carry out exercises, and keep them company.


Reduced dental anxiety among children with internet-based CBT

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed an accessible therapy for children and adolescents suffering from dental phobia. The study, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, shows that guided internet-based ...


New app motivates type 2 diabetes patients to be more active

As the holidays draw to a close, 29 million Americans with type 2 diabetes had to navigate the minefield of treats, drinks, and dinners. Many patients have stepped up to meet the challenge of moderating their diet, but fewer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Smartphone app monitors cancer patients recovery

Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy can be remotely monitored using their smartphone sensors and an algorithm that detects worsening symptoms based on objective changes in patient behavior, according to a new study from ...

Medical research

Using social media big data to combat prescription drug crisis

Researchers at Dartmouth, Stanford University, and IBM Research, conducted a critical review of existing literature to determine whether social media big data can be used to understand communication and behavioral patterns ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Giving rookie dads the online info they really need

Expectant and new parents often turn to the internet for parenting prep, but it turns out that dads often don't seem to find the information they say they need about pregnancy, parenthood and routes to their own mental health ...

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