Journal of Proteome Research

Medical research

Solving the mystery of how cigarette smoking weakens bones

(Medical Xpress) -- Almost 20 years after scientists first identified cigarette smoking as a risk factor for osteoporosis and bone fractures, a new study is shedding light on exactly how cigarette smoke weakens bones. The ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers search for telltale signs of ovarian cancer

This year, ovarian cancer will claim over 125,000 lives worldwide. The deadly disease remains the fifth leading cause of cancer-related mortality in U.S. women, killing about 15,000 per year.

Medical research

Developing a less invasive test for inflammatory bowel disease

Millions of Americans have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which occurs in one of two forms: Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Though the two have similar symptoms, they require different treatment strategies, and ...

Medical research

New approaches for Ebola virus therapeutics

Researchers from the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with Public Health England, have investigated new ways to identify drugs that could be used to treat Ebola virus infection. 

Medical research

Toward new drugs for the human and non-human cells in people

Amid the growing recognition that only a small fraction of the cells and genes in a typical human being are human, scientists are suggesting a revolutionary approach to developing new medicines and treatments to target both ...

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