Journal of Retailing

The Journal of Retailing is devoted to advancing the state of knowledge and its application with respect to all aspects of retailing, its management, evolution, and current theory. The field of retailing includes both products and services, the supply chains and distribution channels that serve retailers, the relationships between retailers and members of the supply channel, and all forms of direct marketing and emerging electric markets to households. Articles may take an economic or behavior approach, but all reflect rigorous analysis and a depth of knowledge of relevant theory and existing literature. Empirical work is based upon the scientific method, modern sampling procedures and statistical analysis.

Impact factor
2.257 (2011)

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Calorie counts on menus make a difference

One the most comprehensive pieces of research into the impact of displaying calories on menus reveals it not only influences consumers to make lower calorie choices but also encourages retailers to provide lower calorie options.


When farm to table means crossing international borders

With Congress currently debating the repeal of mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) for meat and poultry - federal law in the US since 2002 - new research from the Sam W. Walton College of Business at the University ...