Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Providing bite count feedback helps lower calorie intake

New wearable technology is helping to provide novel weight loss tools. One way is by providing bite count feedback, which allows users to keep track of the number of bites during a meal. Researchers at Clemson University ...


The fast casual conundrum

Dieters looking to cut calories may believe it's best to pick a fast casual restaurant over a fast food chain, but new research from the University of South Carolina shows that may not be the best choice.


Leading nutrition experts speak up about malnutrition

As we better understand the role food plays in our overall health and wellbeing, the closer the connection becomes between nutrition and medicine. Malnutrition is a critical public health problem, affecting many people across ...


Increased protein consumption linked to feelings of fullness

Many people turn to high-protein foods when trying to lose weight because eating protein-rich meals is commonly believed to make dieters feel fuller. Surprisingly, this idea hadn't been tested on a large scale. In a new study ...


Digging into the DNA for a successful diet

Genetically-tailored diets are in vogue. But do they work? Genes are the latest trend in nutrition, at least going by the burgeoning legion of Internet companies offering diets tailored to our genetic make-up. These services ...


Get more out of your vitamin D

If you take a vitamin D pill to meet your requirements for the sunshine vitamin, you'll get more out of it if you eat it with a little fat. Fat stimulates the release of bile into the small intestine, which makes it easier ...


Short lunch periods in schools linked with less healthy eating

Students with less than 20 minutes to eat school lunches consume significantly less of their entrées, milk, and vegetables than those who aren't as rushed, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public ...

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