Medical Care


Weight counseling declining among primary care doctors

(HealthDay)—From 1995-1996 to 2007-2008, the rate of weight counseling provided by primary care physicians (PCPs) decreased significantly, even for those patients with obesity and weight-related comorbidities such as diabetes ...


Attempts to correct 'death panel' myth may backfire

Efforts to correct false beliefs about health care reform may backfire, depending on individuals' political views and level of knowledge, suggests a study in the February issue of Medical Care.

Overweight & Obesity

Weight counseling decreases despite rise in obesity

While the number of overweight and obese Americans has increased, the amount of weight counseling offered by primary care physicians has decreased—especially for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes—according ...


Improved staffing cuts medicare patient readmissions

(HealthDay)—Hospital nurses with good work environments who are caring for fewer patients have significantly fewer elderly Medicare patients with heart failure, acute myocardial infarction (MI), and pneumonia who are readmitted ...

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