Nature Biotechnology

Arthritis & Rheumatism

3-D bioprinting constructs for cartilage regeneration

Cartilage injury is a common cause of joint dysfunction and existing joint prostheses cannot remodel with host joint tissue. However, it is challenging to develop large-scale biomimetic anisotropic constructs that structurally ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Wastewater predicts COVID-19 outbreaks days before diagnostic testing

By taking daily samples from the New Haven-area wastewater treatment plant, researchers have been able to track the progression of COVID-19 up to seven days before the same pattern is reported by compiled testing data from ...


Algorithms uncover cancers' hidden genetic losses and gains

Understanding the specific mutations that contribute to different forms of cancer is critical to improving diagnosis and treatment. But limitations in DNA sequencing technology make it difficult to detect some major mutations ...


First 'plug and play' brain prosthesis demoed in paralyzed person

In a significant advance, UC San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences researchers working towards a brain-controlled prosthetic limb have shown that machine learning techniques helped an individual with paralysis learn ...

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