Nature Biotechnology


DNA project gives scientists diverse genome for comparison

For two decades, scientists have been comparing every person's full set of DNA they study to a template that relies mostly on genetic material from one man affectionately known as "the guy from Buffalo."

Oncology & Cancer

Gene-editing technique could speed up study of cancer mutations

Genomic studies of cancer patients have revealed thousands of mutations linked to tumor development. However, for the vast majority of those mutations, researchers are unsure of how they contribute to cancer because there's ...


Scientists release a new human 'pangenome' reference

Researchers have released a new high-quality collection of reference human genome sequences that captures substantially more diversity from different human populations than what was previously available. The work was led ...


Vaccine printer could help vaccines reach more people

Getting vaccines to people who need them isn't always easy. Many vaccines require cold storage, making it difficult to ship them to remote areas that don't have the necessary infrastructure.


Progress with organoids: A mini-heart in a Petri dish

A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has induced stem cells to emulate the development of the human heart. The result is a sort of "mini-heart" known as an organoid. It will permit the study of the earliest ...

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