Nature Cell Biology

Medical research

Will revitalizing old blood slow aging?

Young blood has a rejuvenating effect when infused into older bodies, according to recent research: Aging hearts beat stronger, muscles become stronger, and thinking becomes sharper.

Medical research

Stopping a rare childhood cancer in its tracks

Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have discovered a new drug target for Ewing sarcoma, a rare kind of cancer usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Their experiments show that the cells causing this ...


Diabetes-causing gene can be regulated like a rheostat

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Imperial College London have found a switch that regulates the activity of a gene that causes diabetes. The findings, published in Nature Cell Biology, highlight ...

Medical research

New mechanism extends life of immune system

A new mechanism that slows down and may even prevent the natural aging of immune cells—one of the nine hallmarks of aging—has been identified by an international team led by UCL scientists.

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